Top 10k strings from Golden Locket, The (1993)(Zenobi Software).tzx in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /

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   6 r$(b)="How,pardner?":
   3 r$(n)="the vase.":
   3 r$(n)="head.":
   3 r$(b)="You gently put the flowers in":
   3 r$(b)="No way,pardner.":
   3 r$(b)="But you're wearing a moose's":
   2 you for murder.
   2 r$(n)="pardner?":
   2 r$(b)="Your hands are full.":
   2 r$(b)="You see nothing special.":
   2 r$(b)="You can't see much from here.":
   2 r$(b)="What about the bear?":
   2 r$(b)="The key is rusted in the lock.":
   2 r$(b)="It's locked,pardner.":
   2 r$(b)="In the bucket are some glasses.":
   2 r$(b)="Come on pardner,buy them!":
   2 ;"                            "
   2 ;"                              "
   2 "You shoot the stranger.":
   1 z$="1")+(" bullets."
   1 your hand.The venom is starting 
   1 to the ground.Dead.
   1 shoots you dead.
   1 r$(x,b)="*":
   1 r$(x,b)="*"
   1 r$(q)="to an old stage-coach and North":
   1 r$(q)="the gun.":
   1 r$(q)="slithers away.Well done,pardner.":
   1 r$(q)="shoot someone or something.":
   1 r$(q)="run down your face.I wonder what":
   1 r$(q)="protruding from his shoulder.":
   1 r$(q)="pointing west is a lance.":
   1 r$(q)="lands upside down.":
   1 r$(q)="falls back down the pile and":
   1 r$(q)="down the well!":
   1 r$(q)="disappears down a small hole.":
   1 r$(q)="confiscates the head.":
   1 r$(q)="better hurry up!":
   1 r$(q)="You can't return.":
   1 r$(q)="Next to a handle and a bucket is":
   1 r$(n)="you think?":
   1 r$(n)="you see,is part of an arrow,":
   1 r$(n)="wife.":
   1 r$(n)="well.":
   1 r$(n)="wall.":
   1 r$(n)="trousers up.":
   1 r$(n)="to some thorns.":
   1 r$(n)="the nails from the carpet.":
   1 r$(n)="the game!":
   1 r$(n)="the door is a large lock.":
   1 r$(n)="the cave.":
   1 r$(n)="the bottle.":
   1 r$(n)="stone are the words.HERE LIES":
   1 r$(n)="some nails.":
   1 r$(n)="side is a tap.":
   1 r$(n)="says the gunsmith.":
   1 r$(n)="photo.":
   1 r$(n)="photo falls out.":
   1 r$(n)="out of reach.":
   1 r$(n)="open.":
   1 r$(n)="need a rock now,pardner.":
   1 r$(n)="moose's head.":
   1 r$(n)="locket.":
   1 r$(n)="lock,it falls to the ground and":
   1 r$(n)="lid are some words.":
   1 r$(n)="it,pardner.":
   1 r$(n)="it!":
   1 r$(n)="hitting it in the face.The bear":
   1 r$(n)="head,takes a liking to it and":
   1 r$(n)="hard.The head falls to the floor":
   1 r$(n)="hammer.":
   1 r$(n)="first,pardner.":
   1 r$(n)="find it again.":
   1 r$(n)="feel something wet and sticky":
   1 r$(n)="egg.":
   1 r$(n)="east,the other west.By the one":
   1 r$(n)="curled up on a coat.":
   1 r$(n)="camp.""":
   1 r$(n)="by curiosity!":
   1 r$(n)="bucket,but you drop the photo":
   1 r$(n)="branches are out of reach.":
   1 r$(n)="branch.The hat floats down and":
   1 r$(n)="between some branches.":
   1 r$(n)="at the moment.":
   1 r$(n)="as it was already dead.":
   1 r$(n)="a water-barrel.":
   1 r$(n)="a one way journey only.":
   1 r$(n)="a good grip.":
   1 r$(n)="You put the belt on and holster":
   1 r$(n)="You fire a gun.":
   1 r$(n)="Well,what did you expect?":
   1 r$(n)="The snake swallows it and":
   1 r$(n)="It falls to the ground.":
   1 r$(n)="It doesn't look safe,pardner.":
   1 r$(n)="If you want to use the gun,just":
   1 r$(n)="If you want a Jimmy Riddle you'd":
   1 r$(n)="I do that?":
   1 r$(n)="Ghost":
   1 r$(n)="Contains "+z$+(" bullet."
   1 r$(n)="-hole.North to a bushy area.East":
   1 r$(l)="to safety.":
   1 r$(l)="runs away.":
   1 r$(l)="it is,pardner?":
   1 r$(l)="a snake.":
   1 r$(l)="CRIME.":
   1 r$(l)="By the other is a drawing of a":
   1 r$(h)="pipe.":
   1 r$(b)="You've no money,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="You've got it,pardner.What do":
   1 r$(b)="You've already got that.":
   1 r$(b)="You're the boss,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="You're out of bullets.":
   1 r$(b)="You're out of bullets,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="You'll tear your hands to shreds":
   1 r$(b)="You'll have to drop something":
   1 r$(b)="You throw the rock at the bear":
   1 r$(b)="You should know,pardner.You shot":
   1 r$(b)="You shoot the snake.Pity though":
   1 r$(b)="You shoot someone or something.":
   1 r$(b)="You see some writing on it.":
   1 r$(b)="You see many large rocks.":
   1 r$(b)="You see a piece of paper stuck":
   1 r$(b)="You see a coat.":
   1 r$(b)="You see a beard at the back of":
   1 r$(b)="You saw the bench into planks.":
   1 r$(b)="You put the key in the lock.":
   1 r$(b)="You pull hard,but you can't get":
   1 r$(b)="You pour the oil over the lock.":
   1 r$(b)="You open the cupboard door.":
   1 r$(b)="You notice a key.":
   1 r$(b)="You notice a few branches.":
   1 r$(b)="You notice a bottle of oil.":
   1 r$(b)="You lower the bucket down the":
   1 r$(b)="You lever the lid open.":
   1 r$(b)="You knock the stetson with the":
   1 r$(b)="You haven't any water to return.":
   1 r$(b)="You have drunk enough water for":
   1 r$(b)="You grip the antlers and pull":
   1 r$(b)="You get the glasses out of the":
   1 r$(b)="You fire your gun.":
   1 r$(b)="You drop the egg near the hole.":
   1 r$(b)="You drop the egg and it breaks.":
   1 r$(b)="You drink the water,slowly.":
   1 r$(b)="You can just make out the words":
   1 r$(b)="You build a ladder.":
   1 r$(b)="You break the branch off.":
   1 r$(b)="Which way?":
   1 r$(b)="Which one,pardner?":
   1 r$(b)="What are you going to shoot with":
   1 r$(b)="Well worn,with antlers.":
   1 r$(b)="Water is running out,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Very dusty.":
   1 r$(b)="Using the claw hammer,you remove":
   1 r$(b)="Trying to fly,pardner?":
   1 r$(b)="Try turning the tap,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Try filling something,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Try a different verb.":
   1 r$(b)="Tied to the side of the stage is":
   1 r$(b)="Think about it first,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="They are down the well,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="There's some water in it.On the":
   1 r$(b)="There's some oil stuck inside":
   1 r$(b)="There's a wooden bench here.":
   1 r$(b)="The vase is empty.":
   1 r$(b)="The trunk is too wide and the":
   1 r$(b)="The stranger says,""Clear off.""":
   1 r$(b)="The stetson is up a tree,wedged":
   1 r$(b)="The sheriff,spotting the moose's":
   1 r$(b)="The only item of interest that":
   1 r$(b)="The bucket appears at the top.":
   1 r$(b)="The belt will help to keep your":
   1 r$(b)="The barrel is empty.":
   1 r$(b)="The  stranger says,""Approach the":
   1 r$(b)="That doesn't make sense.":
   1 r$(b)="Some money falls out of the":
   1 r$(b)="Silver with a pearl handle.":
   1 r$(b)="She reminds you of your wife.":
   1 r$(b)="Shaped like 2 arrows.One points":
   1 r$(b)="Searching the body you see your":
   1 r$(b)="Scratched on the inside of the":
   1 r$(b)="Rusted in the lock is a key.":
   1 r$(b)="Quite WELL...considering.":
   1 r$(b)="Put it in something,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Picked,pardner.(Blush...Blush)":
   1 r$(b)="One of the strangers is a Walton":
   1 r$(b)="On the table are a few crumbs.":
   1 r$(b)="On a wall is a moose's head.":
   1 r$(b)="On a grave is a vase.Etched on a":
   1 r$(b)="Old and very heavy.":
   1 r$(b)="Not yet,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Not again,pardner!":
   1 r$(b)="Nope.Sorry pardner."
   1 r$(b)="Nobody comes this time.":
   1 r$(b)="Nobody can hear you!":
   1 r$(b)="No need to run now,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="No need to creep now,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Lying on the chair is a canteen.":
   1 r$(b)="Looks nasty,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Looks like a rattler.It's still":
   1 r$(b)="Leather with a silver buckle.":
   1 r$(b)="Key in lock,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Keep your disguise on,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Just what it seems,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Just some wild flowers.":
   1 r$(b)="Just old furniture.":
   1 r$(b)="Just green bushes,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Just a hut with a door.Set in":
   1 r$(b)="Just a carpet,held down with":
   1 r$(b)="It's stuck,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="It's open,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="It's open ,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="It's now open,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="It's not in the lock.":
   1 r$(b)="It's just a carpet.":
   1 r$(b)="It's got a drawer.Go on,open it.":
   1 r$(b)="It's full of gold,pardner!":
   1 r$(b)="It's fool's gold.":
   1 r$(b)="It's fixed to the wall pardner,":
   1 r$(b)="It's empty.":
   1 r$(b)="It's down the well.":
   1 r$(b)="It's against the wall,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="It's a ten gallon.Inside is an":
   1 r$(b)="It's a photo of you and your":
   1 r$(b)="It goes with the locket.":
   1 r$(b)="Inside the hole you see a snake":
   1 r$(b)="In the vase are some flowers.":
   1 r$(b)="I'd keep the gun if I were you.":
   1 r$(b)="I wouldn't pardner.You might not":
   1 r$(b)="How pardner? It's fixed to the":
   1 r$(b)="He's not a Walton,pardner!":
   1 r$(b)="He's a Walton,pardner!":
   1 r$(b)="He gives you the gun and belt.":
   1 r$(b)="Filled,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Feeling better,pardner?":
   1 r$(b)="Don't worry about the bed.Lie on":
   1 r$(b)="Don't worry about it,pardner.":
   1 r$(b)="Don't be lazy,pardner.How?":
   1 r$(b)="Dollar bills.1000's of them.":
   1 r$(b)="Dead,pardner.Probably killed":
   1 r$(b)="Come on pardner.It's the name of":
   1 r$(b)="Come on now pardner.Just how do":
   1 r$(b)="By the stove is a poker.":
   1 r$(b)="By some large rocks is a compass.":
   1 r$(b)="But you're wearing a stetson.":
   1 r$(b)="But you haven't got that.":
   1 r$(b)="But you are going down,pardner!":
   1 r$(b)="But why,pardner?":
   1 r$(b)="At the desert go West to a water":
   1 r$(b)="At the back is a saw.":
   1 r$(b)="As you unlock the door it swings":
   1 r$(b)="As you remove the seat you see a":
   1 r$(b)="As you remove the key from the":
   1 r$(b)="As you put the stetson on,you":
   1 r$(b)="As you pick the pouch up a small":
   1 r$(b)="As the bear has gone,you won't":
   1 r$(b)="Are you going to jump down,":
   1 r$(b)="Amongst the leaves you see a":
   1 r$(b)="""Don't drop that in here!""":
   1 pneumonia and die.
   1 other key for SAVE to Tape.
   1 no=no-MOB:
   1 nervous stranger fires his gun  
   1 neck is broken.
   1 money."You fall off the ladder  
   1 lock.You can't get out.
   1 lie dying he says,"Never enter  
   1 in your direction and you fall  
   1 in fright and break your back.
   1 have been poisoned.
   1 h;"She says,""Come on,wake up."""
   1 h;"     WELL DONE!,PARDNER."
   1 h;"       MOVES TAKEN=";
   1 from the rain,you develop       
   1 for the dead you'll not have my 
   1 drink some water,carry a compass
   1 counterfeit money.
   1 ch2=ch-(256
   1 break     H
   1 begins to burn.The water must   
   1 arrests you for spending        
   1 any other key for LOAD from Tape
   1 and says,"As you have no respect
   1 and know the route.
   1 a camp until you're asked."
   1 Your tongue is feeling swollen.W+
   1 Your tongue has swollen and     choked you.T
   1 You're carrying enough pardner.
   1 You stagger into a small area ofprickly bushes.
   1 You shoot the snake.Pity though as it was already dead.C=
   1 You sense someone watching you.h
   1 You see a dead cat.U
   1 You realize that you must have  dropped your money in Tinsas.N1
   1 You hear the key turn in the    
   1 You hear a voice say,"Where's   that drink then?"O
   1 You have with you:-
   1 You have wandered into an Indiancamp.The Indians stare at you inhorror.Someone screams out.
   1 You have walked into a dimly litcave.It's very quiet in here.
   1 You have survived the desert.   Wild flowers grow in abundance  here.Trails lead North,East and West.
   1 You have reached the bottom of  the well.It's dry now.You stand knee-deep in some leaves that   have fallen down into the well.
   1 You have made too much noise.The
   1 You have killed the wrong man.  
   1 You have crossed the border intoTexico.Here is a small village. East is a villa.
   1 You have arrived at the end of  the town.Here is a cemetery.    Some of the graves are very old.
   1 You find yourself amongst some  trees in a vast forest.Trails   lead North,East,South and West.
   1 You drink the water.Your stomach
   1 You continue along an East/West trail.
   1 You come to an open plain.It is raining at the moment.Trails    lead East and South.
   1 You climb up the ladder and facethe wall.
   1 You are wounded and need help.s
   1 You are walking along a lonely  East/West trail.
   1 You are slowly sinking.JP
   1 You are feeling very thirsty.V
   1 You are about halfway along a   dreary East/West trail.
   1 You approach the camp.Whilst    drying your clothes and drinkingcoffee you tell the stranger    about your locket.He tells you  that he heard that the Walton   brothers stole it.He also tells you that they know you are      following them.
   1 What next?
   1 Wear what,pardner?
   1 Walking into a saloon you noticethat the bar,walls and floor arecovered in dust.
   1 To survive the desert,you must  
   1 This is the middle of the town. You can go North,East,South and West.
   1 This is the end of the plain.   It's still raining heavily.     Trails lead North and West.
   1 This is the barber shop.In one  corner is a metal cupboard.
   1 The trail starts to climb to theNorth.
   1 The stranger shoots you.As you  
   1 The stranger says,"Won't be longjust going to get some wood."D
   1 The stranger says,"Clear off."r
   1 The stranger returns.E
   1 The snake sinks its fangs into  
   1 The sheriff walks up to you and 
   1 The sheriff walks in and arrests
   1 The sheriff rides up and arrests
   1 The man shoots you in the head.
   1 The gunsmith's closed.G7
   1 The gunsmith looks up and says, "I'm waiting for a delivery fromWet Gulch.I've only got one gun and belt left.You can have them for 30 dollars."
   1 The ghost of Silas Grime appears
   1 The cat leaps and tears you to  
   1 The bear won't leave its        territory.Z
   1 The bear is climbing up the pileof rocks.I
   1 The bear has reached you.       
   1 The Indian camp is deserted now.
   1 That's not possible,pardner.
   1 Stumbling up the rocks,you are  standing on top of the pile.
   1 Still on the open plain the rainis becoming torrential.Trails   lead East and West.
   1 Start tape, then press any key.
   1 Standing on the other side of   the stream,trails lead North andWest.
   1 Standing by some bushes,you see tall rocky mountains on three   sides of you.The trail leads to the North.
   1 Sorry pardner,but you have gone.
   1 Some rocks have fallen down and made a rock pile.You can return East.
   1 Some PLANKS             
   1 Some NAILS              
   1 SYSTEM    
   1 Removed,pardner.
   1 Remove what,pardner?
   1 Remove the item first,pardner.
   1 Reaching the top of a mountain  the trail continues East.
   1 Pointing North is a signpost    with Texico written on it.
   1 One blow from its paw and your  
   1 On the ground is a dead man.X
   1 On the floor is a dead man.S
   1 Okay pardner,dropped.
   1 Okay pardner,done.
   1 OK.......position SAVED
   1 Nothing,pardner.
   1 Nothing of value.
   1 Not being worn,pardner.
   1 Nearly across the stream,you    step into some quicksand.
   1 Lots of MONEY           
   1 Loader    
   1 Item now being worn,pardner.
   1 It's very dark here.Nearby,a    stranger sleeps by a fire.Trailslead West and South.
   1 It's very dark here.By a camp   fire lies a dead man.Trails leadWest and South.
   1 Inside the villa,you notice a   lady.She looks at you and says.
   1 Inside the saloon you see many  strangers drinking and talking.
   1 Inside the ghost town jail you  see a few items of furniture.
   1 In the city jail,you see lying  on a desk,a poster about the    Walton brothers.They are wanted for murder,dead or alive.
   1 INSTRS.   
   1 Here you can see:-
   1 Here the trail ends.As far as   the eye can see is a desert.
   1 Here is the mortuary.It smells  very musty.On the floor is an   old carpet.
   1 Here is the entrance to a ghost town.You can go North,East,Southand West.
   1 Here is an old well.There is a  snake by the handle.Trails lead North and South.
   1 Get what,pardner?
   1 For SAVE to bank press B or any 
   1 For LOAD from bank press B or   
   1 Everything here is quiet.On the ground are some stones.Trails   lead East and West.
   1 Entering a hut,you notice an oldtable,chair and a stove.In a    corner is a trunk.
   1 Drop what,pardner?
   1 Don't bother about that,pardner.
   1 Do you want to try again? (Y/N)
   1 Created with Ramsoft MakeTZX
   1 CHARS     
   1 But you're wearing it,pardner.w
   1 Blocking your way is a stranger.In his hand is a gun.He says,   "I'm a Walton.I've been waiting for you.You've been following mefor ages."P
   1 Before you can do that a        stranger walks up to you and    says,"Hey stupid.I'm a Walton.  How about buying me a drink?"B*
   1 At last you reach the bottom of the trail.South leads to a cave.East is a shallow stream.
   1 At last you arrive at an old    stage-coach,leaning on its axle.
   1 As you were not fully protected 
   1 As you enter the stage you see  that only one seat remains.
   1 Arriving at Tinsas City,you see a gunsmith's shop to the West.  East is a jail.North and South  takes you out of town.
   1 Arriving at Miss City,you noticea saloon to the East.As it's nownight,this is the only place    open.The trail continues North.
   1 An old STETSON (WORN)   
   1 An old STETSON          
   1 An old POKER            
   1 An empty CANTEEN        
   1 An empty BOTTLE         
   1 An arrow penetrates your heart.
   1 Amongst some very spongy grass  lies an old tree.You see a hole where part of the trunk has     rotted away.You can return West.
   1 Although dark,you see amongst   some bushes a camp fire.A       stranger sits drinking,by the   smell of it,coffee.The trail    continues West.
   1 Already being worn,pardner.
   1 After what seemed like miles,youcome to a water-hole.Scattered  about are some bones.Possibly   human or animal.
   1 After a long walk you come to anold mining site.Amongst the     rocks you see an old hut.The    trail continues North.
   1 A wood SAW              
   1 A tiny PHOTO            
   1 A stranger recognizes you and   
   1 A stranger is standing nearby,  throwing a chain up into the airand catching it.K
   1 A small KEY             
   1 A pair of GLASSES (WORN)
   1 A pair of GLASSES       
   1 A mountain cat is watching you.Q
   1 A moose's HEAD (WORN)   
   1 A moose's HEAD          
   1 A makeshift LADDER      
   1 A long thin BRANCH      
   1 A long COAT (WORN)      
   1 A long COAT             
   1 A leather POUCH         
   1 A large ROCK            
   1 A large KEY             
   1 A gold LOCKET           
   1 A gold CHAIN            
   1 A full CANTEEN          
   1 A false BEARD (WORN)    
   1 A false BEARD           
   1 A claw HAMMER           
   1 A bunch of FLOWERS      
   1 A broken LADDER         
   1 A bird's EGG            
   1 A bear is chasing you.F
   1 A GUN (HOLSTERED)       
   1 A COMPASS               
   1 A BOTTLE full of oil    
   1 A BELT (WORN)           
   1 ;"______________"
   1 ;"You decide to follow them and   get your belongings back."
   1 ;"X..can be used for Examine."
   1 ;"This adventure was written usingthe ABS:-from Tartan Software."
   1 ;"The first man keeps the locket. The second,the chain and the    third man,the photo."
   1 ;"Sitting in your favourite chair watching a late night western onthe telly,you hear someone say,"
   1 ;"SAVE or LOAD from TAPE or BANK."
   1 ;"Other words are mainly two word inputs.VERB and NOUN."
   1 ;"Much to your surprise you noticethat you are wearing cowboy gearand that three masked men are   standing in front of you,holdingguns.They search you and take   the locket that you had bought  for your wife's birthday."
   1 ;"Laughing to themselves,they rideoff."
   1 ;"L or R Redescribes Location."
   1 ;"Directions may be shortened to:-N,S,E,W,U,D."
   1 ;"Any WORD consisting of more thanFIVE letters will be recognized by the FIRST FIVE LETTERS."
   1 ;" ZENOBI ";
   1 ;" ANOTHER ";
   1 ;" ADVENTURE "
   1 ;"     INSTRUCTIONS LOADING     "
   1 ;"     ""PUT YOUR HANDS UP."""
   1 *                               *                               *                               *                               *                               y
   1 (o+bd),as:
   1 (o+as),ah:
   1 (o+aq),ax:
   1 (o+ao),au:
   1 (o+an),at:
   1 (f+ba)=a))
   1 '"^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"
   1 "You're out of bullets,pardner.":
   1 "You were not quick enough.":
   1 "You shoot the cat.":
   1 "You shoot and wound him.":
   1 "You see a moose's head" 
   1 "You see a bear.":
   1 "You lie on the bed.The lady     tends to your arm.You snuggle   down and start to fall asleep   when you spot the lady taking   your belongings.As you struggle to wake up,you feel someone     shaking your arm.It's your wife."
   1 "You have lost too much blood.   You collapse and die.":
   1 "You fire again and hit him.As hefalls to the ground he drops thechain.":
   1 "Time passes.";:
   1 "The stranger spots you taking   the bottle.He draws his gun and shoots you.""That will teach you to steal from me"",he says.":
   1 "The stranger spots you leaving  with his bottle.He draws his gunand shoots you.""Don't steal fromme.""He says.":
   1 "The nervous stranger hearing a  noise,stirs and stands up."
   1 "The flowers look lovely,pardner.Yuk.Yuk."
   1 "The barrel is empty.":
   1 "The barrel is empty."
   1 "Like greased lightning,you draw your gun and shoot him.":
   1 "He fires back and hits you in   the shoulder.":
   1 "Filled,pardner.":
   1 "As you left the gunsmith's,you  thought you heard a rustling    sound."
   1 "As you climb down the ladder,it breaks.Never to be used again.":
   1 "As you are wearing the moose's  head,the sheriff thinking that  you are drunk,arrests you and   throws you in jail.":
   1 "A hunter rides up and rescues   you.He rides away mumbling,""    Stupid dude!""":
   1 "64115",no
   1 "6";"Rubbing your stiff shoulder you feel in your pocket and find thelocket.You realize that you musthave been dreaming."
   1 "23500",r:
   1 "1000"+vb*d
   1 ".01",y-ap:
   1 """You had better leave before my husband comes home.""":
   1 """Lie down on the bed and I will tend to your arm.""":
   1 """It's an evil demon.Run!""":
   1 """It's a paleface.Kill him.""":
   1   No SAVE has been performed so 
   1   Insert DATA tape, press PLAY  
   1     there is no DATA to LOAD!
   1     then press any key....